BCC Resources
Energy Saving Technology Training Webinar
LED Lighting
Heat Pumps
BeMS Controls
Summary/ Q&A
Behaviour Change Webinar
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Practical Steps to Change Behaviour
Part 3: Taking Behaviour Change back into your Business
Download BCC Behaviour Change Webinar resources here.
IO-Gen Training Video
July 2023 Training
IO-Gen's first webinar training for the BCC this summer.
BCC Energy Management Training (Recording)
This Energy Management webinar is part of The Mayor's Business Climate Challenge, a programme to encourage and support small and medium businesses across London to reduce their carbon emissions. Rising energy costs and the need to act on climate change means businesses are looking at how they use energy and what they can do to reduce consumption to lower bills and emissions. Delivered by Turner & Townsend and io-gen, the webinar provides businesses with a basic and practical understanding to manage energy including energy measurement, energy efficiency, low carbon heating, renewable energy, target setting and reporting. It also provides a demonstration of the io-gen energy management platform and its application to measure and track energy consumption, identify waste and measure the impact of energy reduction projects.
00:04:42 – Energy Management Training
00:52:50 – Introduction to IO-Gen
00:57:48 – Live Demo IO-Gen
01:19:45 – Question & Answer
01:39:45 – Closing Remarks